Angelcraft Press UTC + 14: Fashion: JC Angelcraft

MMXII April 13, 2021: A.M. with you always UTC +14: JC Angelcraft:   During these days of tribulation political news looks all the same for every country. Daily coronavirus is held over our heads like a curse that is never going to go away.   If nothing catches your interest in the news Jose Maria Chavira M.S. (JC Angelcraft) has written many articles during the tribulation.  This information is the kind that makes sense in the context and times that we live into today. Yesterday for Easter JC Angelcraft updated various websites and gave its hispanic network their own YouTube account  called JC Angelcraft Andalusia which can be previewed at the corporate website for JC Angelcraft.   Websites for Paris, Peru, Bolivia and Esprit’Sante  were updated yesterday.  There are also new postings at  JC Angelcraft and JC Angelcraft Music .          

MMXII April 13, 2021: Health UTC+14: WHO:  The World Health Organization’s emergency website in English & Spanish is a free public health service and may be translated into any language in the world.